United Kingdom
I bought some fireball lily bulbs, they took a long time to flower even though classed as spring flowering! was told to class them as I waited for the leaves to die down but they have not done so.. I keep them in the relatively cool conservatory and so they sit. Do I wait for spring and will they just grow on and flower. Help
13 Jan, 2010
You could try to 'make' them die down. I lie my Amaryllis on their side and don't water them if they don't die down on their own. Then trim off the dead leaves and re-start the watering in Spring. Feed when they start to regrow, also re-pot if they have not been done for a while.
13 Jan, 2010
Scadoxus multiflorus subsp. katherinae (formerly Haemanthus katherinae) for the uninitiated.
13 Jan, 2010
Thanx Owd :) if we were all as educated as u & many others there would`nt be a GOY !!! :)
13 Jan, 2010
Looked this up and it defintiely needs a dry period, so the advice given by Volunteer is good. Also says that they often only flower in alternate years. They also need a large pot as they have widespreading fleshy roots and like Nerines the bulbs should not be buried, but planted with the necks out of the soil.
And Jacque, I wish I knew more, never stop learning.
13 Jan, 2010
Can you tell me how long these take to start growing. Planted my fireball lilies at end of January and its now 9th March and no sign of anything sprouting at all. Any tips appreciated . How long did yours take before you saw signs of growth
9 Mar, 2011
Iv just Googled pics of this as iv never heard of it b4 & its Gorgeous Guest its flower reminds me of Agapanthus "African Lily" i hope ul find the info your looking 4 :)
13 Jan, 2010