By Eileendiver
South Glamorgan,
United Kingdom
Is it still too cold to plant broad beans and onion sets? Is there anything I can plant right now?
Thank you.
5 Apr, 2013
I put some broad beans in pots in the plastic wall house last week to try to steal a march on the weather. Somebody told me today that its going to start raining again next week - aren't we all longing for some warmer weather?
You could perhaps put in some first early potatoes if the ground isn't frozen but its surprising how things catch up if you wait a little.
6 Apr, 2013
Last week I had hopes of 'next week'! We have just driven home from Edinburgh in temperature ranging between +3 and zero with almost continuous snow showers. Maybe the week after next????????
7 Apr, 2013
Previous question
Next week.
6 Apr, 2013