The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Pamg

east midlands, United Kingdom

not strictly a gardening question but how about a category on goypedia or blogs for recipes concerning the fruits of our labours (and those that revive us after! I've just spent ages looking for Simbads mincemeat recipe :-)



Hi Pam. If you scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the letter R it brings up a page on which there is a GoYpedia for recipes. If you find the recipe again you can nominate it for Goypedia

17 Jan, 2010


thankyou so much Pipsqueak-- Isn't Goy great :-)

17 Jan, 2010


Yes it is Pam. I did miss it when I was offline for 7 weeks :~((

18 Jan, 2010


ican imagine I couldnt use mine this morning and couldn't even find the number for my hairdresser!

18 Jan, 2010

How do I say thanks?

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