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I have just bought a small electric greenhouse heater. As i do not have any electricity outside would it be ok to use an extension lead running from the house. Thanks



It would be best put up overhead on hooks to prevent damage to the cables. Tape over exposed plugs.

17 Jan, 2010


not being funny DB but shorly heat rises , cables yes get them out of the way. but shouldent the heat be on the ground.or may be that is what you ment.

17 Jan, 2010


Cliffo, the man is running a cable from the house to the greenhouse to supply electricity to his new heater. The heater should be inside the greenhouse. The only thing I missed out is a trip in case it gets damp anywhere. I have 10 out now overhead on various properties, if they are on the ground squirrels will get at them.

17 Jan, 2010


I understand and have nothing to add , but heat dose rise and I carnt help thinking that he will waste a lot of heat,

17 Jan, 2010


The cable is a wandering lead running from a power point in another dwelling. As there is no heat coming from the cable there will be none lost.

17 Jan, 2010


I though we were talking about the heater, when I pot electric in my shed and green house I used the propre cable for outside and put it through a plastic hose, and put it under ground after wireing it to the box on it's own throughout fuse and wireing it to another fuse box in the shed, fuseds for every thing, and then had it inspeced by MANWEB and passed,

17 Jan, 2010


Yes obviously all my outside work is done by a professional electrician, particularly with pond pumps and swimming pools and passed and sealed so they can't be tampered with by an amateur. But the question was "Is it alright to have an extension lead into the greenhouse". That is the question I answered.

17 Jan, 2010


I am glad you remberd the cut out, dont want to set the house on fire. I was not disagreeing with you just trying to bring safty to the mind of the person asking the qoestion,as you know unless you make safty first and formost,we could be responsible for somthing nasty and I don't think either of us would want that,

17 Jan, 2010

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