United Kingdom
How do I stop cats soiling my flower borders and ripping up my young plants?
17 Jan, 2010
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cats in the garden
Not an easy problem to solve because they need to go somewhere. I have 4 cats and they tend to go in only 2 places, firstly on a pile of sawdust from the chain saw (from logs for the fire) and secondly on a pile of gritty sand I have put in a corner of the garden especially for them. I can clean up after them easily and dispose of as necessary.
If you put wire mesh around your plants or stake fishing line taut (in a mesh shape) at 1" off the ground near your plants that will help. Also they don't like orange and lemon peel, scatter some around the new plants. Once established the plants tend to hold their own!
17 Jan, 2010
If they are small new plants, a large plastic bottle works. I cut the bottom off and put it over the new transplants, and then when it gets too big, I cut the top off. My guys then leave it alone. I also put a lot of sticks in the vases so they don't curl up to sleep on top of a plant.
17 Jan, 2010
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MMmmm Not much chance of that I'm afraid - there are a number of products available but I'm not sure how much damage they could do to your plants...that's all part of having cats. I have 3 cats and it's always interesting to see where my bulbs will appear each year as they seem to "magically" get moved LOL!
17 Jan, 2010