East Sussex,
United Kingdom
how to get rid of cats
28 Sep, 2010
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cats in the garden
There are also electronic sirens that only (?) the cats can hear.
28 Sep, 2010
12 bore
28 Sep, 2010
28 Sep, 2010
Well, I didn't want to suggest that!
28 Sep, 2010
That's Woody taken off the Christmas card list!
28 Sep, 2010
Why do you want to get rid of cats?. In my opinion they do more good than harm in gardens, they hunt the mice that are around the garden und just because they occasionaly make a poo here and there is no reason..for me anyway to get rid of the cats that roam my garden.
28 Sep, 2010
Cats are a real pain, why dont they poo in there own garden, I was told that if you fill a plastic lemonade/coke type bottle almost full of water lay it almost flat so a bubble apears, on the area thats just soil, the cat wouldnt poo near it, because they dont like water, It works well untill plants come through, so now they poo on my path, AAGGHH My dog rex chases them but hes so slow,,,water pistol works,, (SORRY CAT LOVERS),,
28 Sep, 2010
Apparently lion dung is really effective if you put it around the perimeter of your allotment or garden. Of course it isn't too easy to get lion dung beyond the plains of Africa, so maybe try the local zoo? Failing that, use poison. I've found strychnine to be most effective as it also works on rats, mice and any pesky kids who might be scrumping on your land!
28 Sep, 2010
There is a plant called Coleus Canina, also known as the Scaredy Cat Plant, which seems to be fairly effective. It apparently smells nasty to cats so they keep away. The method I have found useful is to use their own 'spit' noise against them - loudly!
29 Sep, 2010
You can't because the bolder pussy cats come back whatever you do. They come to birdwatch, chase squirrels, eat stuff you put out for the birds, sit on your cushions. Spooky likes to sunbathe in our garden. Now the sun's gone, so has she. Possibly to Spain. They do get tiny apples lobbed at them when the activity becomes a nuisance......like bird watching directly under the feeders! Squirrel chasing is quite good, as it cuts down nut burying chances. All four footed garden visitors have their quirks, even hegehog poo can be a nuisance. Try treading it indoors. Doing their courting in your best flower bed..... flattens everything.....endless circles.
29 Sep, 2010
Don't get me wrong im a cat lover,"my cat "an English shorthair uses a tray and has done since she was a kitten.
Other cat.s get the hose,my cat just can't be bothered to climb so stays within our boundary fence
29 Sep, 2010
Perseverance is the key, Dorjac. We occasionally have to remind a garden-wandering cat with a loud 'spit' that it's presence in the area is not wanted, but they seem to remember and avoid 'spit' areas. ;o)
29 Sep, 2010
unfortuantely the only cat that poos in mine is my cat.... so have used plants cats arent fond of so she goes next door now which is good coz i dont like them!!
29 Sep, 2010
Sorry Nariz I can't go spitting all over my garden, its not ladylike. I do a noise like you describe as I open the back door, but it attracts them. I quite like them, give them nicknames like Spooky, who is garden friendly.....likes a bit of fussing, but mind the teeth. Mr Blobby, bird fancier and looking for titbits. Calico cat who lurks in camoflage under the bird feeders and only runs for missiles or near approach. Then lurks in the shrubs only to return as soon as you go indoors.....a severe case of OCD!
30 Sep, 2010
Perhaps I have more success with my 'spit noise' because the cats here are feral and probably use the noise a lot themselves in attempting to scare off all manner of predators. Judging from the distance they will run - all the way across the meadow - following a particularly ferocious 'spit' from me I assume they think a huge nasty cat lives here. They could be right! ;o)
1 Oct, 2010
Spooky is feral, she comes and goes. She survived last winter sometimes sleeping on our chair cushions under the patio canopy. She is a long hair so her thinness is disguised. When the water and gas men were churning up the road she endlessly solicited them for sandwich contents and fussing!!!!! I warned them she can go into attack mode for no good reason. A very unique cat and 'spookily' like the first cat we were ever owned by.
1 Oct, 2010
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Try getting a dog. Failing that, try a water pistol - they don't like that, and it often keeps them away.
28 Sep, 2010