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West Midlands, United Kingdom

All my hebes have died.They were about 5 years old .Is it worth replacing the same plant?



Sorry to hear that,especially as they endured the past bad winters..were they in pots ,or in the ground? mine have fared ok in the borders..I planted two new ones out yesterday,which say hardy to -fifteen..we will see ..

11 Apr, 2013


I only have one hebe which is only 3 years old. But it is struggling this year. I've no idea why.

11 Apr, 2013


Hebes seem fickle ..
never can be sure which ones will survive cold winter weather ...

nominated for GoYpedia.

11 Apr, 2013


Thanks for your comments.They were in my borders.I might replace with a pieris

11 Apr, 2013


Pieris shrubs do well in ericaceous soil ..
.. sure you know that already :o)

11 Apr, 2013


Sarraceniac: hebes like well drained soil in full sun. Since 'well drained' and any sun, never mind full sun, have been conditions impossible to achieve in the last year to 18 months, that might be why yours is struggling...

11 Apr, 2013


Just seen your garden how brilliant you have done with that 10 x 65 m looks beautiful my hebes are quite old and seem to be doing ok cant remember the names .

11 Apr, 2013


The toughest ones are H. 'Red Edge', H. pinguifolia 'Pagei', and H. topiaria. They're all lovers of full sun and good drainage, but avoid the coldest quarters of the garden. Although they appreciate a nice airflow to avoid them getting fungal diseases, north-east winds get up their skirts and do them no good at all.

11 Apr, 2013


I posted a photo of hebe 'Magic Summer' last month that appears completely untouched by the winter. It's still looking good now.

11 Apr, 2013


Thanks Bamboo. I'd not thought of that. A couple of years ago I used to get senior moments, I guess I just live in a senior haze nowadays.

12 Apr, 2013


oh, tell me about it...
Andrewr - I'm not surprised your Hebe's fine, you've created a warm micro climate in your garden!

12 Apr, 2013


Bamboo - it's planted in the same spot where a different variety died two winters in a row. Some are hardier than others it would seem, and 'Magic Summer' is worth a try

12 Apr, 2013

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