By Patfran
United Kingdom
Why has the lovely white Erica/
heather that I planted 2 weeks ago turned pink?
14 Apr, 2013
If a heather gets bone dry even once it will die. It will look OK for about a month and then it will get sad looking ,all the leaves drop off and that is it! Many other types of plant can get very dry,have all their leaves drop off and recover if watered.
Not so heathers!
I say this as someone who used to grow at least 5000 heathers a year.
Be warned !
14 Apr, 2013
Thanks, but this was bought from a local grower, planted as soon as I got it home, in the garden with other heathers and watered well. It has definately turned pink, not brown as it is looking very healthy otherwise. If it was a hydrangea it would be explained by the soil but my soil is neutral. ???
14 Apr, 2013
You need to snip off a piece and go back and ask the grower. Is there a name on the plant?
15 Apr, 2013
No there was no name, but thanks, I intend to go back and ask them.
16 Apr, 2013
It would be good if you could post a photo of this oddity. Do let us know what they say at the nursery.
16 Apr, 2013
Probably more brown than actually pink, Pat, and it indicates that the flowers are finished for this season. It could also indicate that the plant is dry. Is it in the house or the garden? When you bought it, it would be growing in a pot of peat and the roots probablyy filled the pot. If it had not been properly looked after in the store then the peat could have been bone dry and then it is very difficult to get it wetted again. Our local Lidl is notorious for not watering their plants.
14 Apr, 2013