By Nannyann
United Kingdom
Please Please can anyone tell me a good safe remedy for keeping the nieghbours cat out of my garden they have recently moved in and their cat seems to have targeted my garden front and back to make its deposits I have tried shooing it away and pepper but nothing seams to work .I thought of telling the neighbour but realize that will not work because you cant control where your cat "goes".It is happening more and more and now we have another new neighbour and she has two cats .I am thinking I may have to concrete the whole garden .I love gardening and do not want to hurt the cats .
14 Apr, 2013
I can sympathise, I get cat deposits in my garden from neighbouring cats and I haven't found any way to stop them. Sometimes I spread rose prunings or holly cuttings over freshly prepared earth to try to deter them and that helps, but not much stops a determined cat if it wants to use your garden as a toilet:((
I resign myself to having to clear up after them, which isn't pleasant.
14 Apr, 2013
If you get a cat of your own it will defend its territory and keep the neighbours cats out.
14 Apr, 2013
or getting a big dog?!
14 Apr, 2013
I moved house years ago and my two cats strayed into my neighbours garden - unwanted. They used a water pistol on them and once the cats felt the force of the water they never went there again. I suggest you buy a child's water pistol - lay in wait - then shoot. Does not harm the cat but you will not see him/her in your garden again.
14 Apr, 2013
This doesn't work for me, I've even used a hosepipe on the cats that come into my garden, they just come when I'm not there:((
14 Apr, 2013
It also helps if you don't have the ground in an nice diggable condition as they prefer something easy to scratch up.
14 Apr, 2013
In my humble opinion there is NO WAY to stop cats at all.Make sure you always use gardening gloves. It's all fertiliser anyway, and unless they go on the lawn [like my own cat used to!] you can throw a spadeful of earth over it and it will rot down.
14 Apr, 2013
Not having clear areas of soil helps as does physical barriers such as lots of bamboo sticks really does work for me. Next door rescues abandoned cats and they now no longer poop in my borders unearthing my bulbs and seedlings.
14 Apr, 2013
Don't be too tidy in the borders, pack it with loads of perennial plants so that there is no room for the cats to use it as a toilet. This has worked for me.
14 Apr, 2013
Your neighbours can't control there cats, your right but if you see there cat depositing in your garden, ask the neighbour to come over and remove it. Its disgusting when your planting up and your unaware the cats have visited, Since my dog died this has become a problem for me, if i see any cats on my fences i shoo them away and i do what Kildemorie suggested bamboo or sharp sticks pushed into the soil untill i fill my borders up.. YUK.
15 Apr, 2013
In the absence of a dog, I have found rose and berberis prunings scattered over any bare areas seem to deter them.
15 Apr, 2013
Thank you to all who have replied to my question I have bought some Jeyes fluid and some green gel from Wilkinsons and some Silent Roar lets see if I have any luck with these if not I will try some more of your suggestions
18 Apr, 2013
jack russell
22 Apr, 2013
Water jets are supposed to work but I suggest dried chilli flakes (ethnic aisle in supermarket the cheapest) for deterring mammals, certainly works on rabbits and squirrels and doesn't affect birds
Try sprinkling it where the cat likes to go but use protective gloves youself as it really can sting your mouth or eyes etc.
14 Apr, 2013