By Bornagain
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Climbing rose in pot. I want to grow a red Eden Rose (interestingly also called Meidrason, Eric Tabarly and red Pierre de Ronsard) in a pot to climb an east facing house wall. This gets quite a lot of sun and, of course, is not overhung. I'm not sure what size of pot will accommodate it and I know it will have to be deep for the tap roots and wide for the feeders, just not sure how deep and how wide. Anyone know? Thanks:-)
20 Apr, 2013
Thanks Jimmy, but there is block paving where I want to grow it, and I'm not competant to mess with it I'm afraid. I don't recognise the size though, I've only seen it as a short growing 1.8 to 2.4m. I hoped it would be ok for a few years in say a 60 cm container if so? :-)
21 Apr, 2013
I'm growing roses in pots and they do very well, Austin's roses most of all,I have a Piere de ronasard,but a pink one, it was growing in a small pot for years and in may it was a mess, so I ripotted it and now it has been flowering a lot and about 90cm tall. It's in a 50cm terracotta pot .
Graham thomas the same, it was in a 60cm pot, but it was all yellow and no form of live (maybe because i did'nt cut back in spring) so a gave it sequestrene , but nothing at all! Then here was the black spot, i tuought it was diying!
At least I took off most of the superfercial soil, gave it new good soil, fertelizer and cut it back leaving only a few brances about 60cm tall ( it was tall about 12ocm before) and now it is wonderful! It's on my photos.
Then I can tell you that golden celebration is very big and it grows in a petrol can painted blu.
So I think you can try to grow roses in pots:
Maybe they will not reach 3 mt, but they are stunning equally!
Good luck
Lia xxx
19 Jul, 2013
Thanks Lia, I did manage to find a massive pot for it and as you say it's thriving so far. I did a short blog showing the pot in the blog before my lady Emma Hamilton one if you're interested in seeing it:-)) I'm not very good at pruning , not very confident, but it certainly worked for you. I also have black spot on my little 'Nice Day' climber, it happened so fast, now almost no leaves and I don't want to use sprays in case I harm wildlife:-)
20 Jul, 2013
In my experience, roses do not thrive in pots. The rose that you describe has a height of 4.5 metres and a spread of 2.5 metres. I would suggest that gown in a pot would not be a good idea. If you feel that you need to train a climbing rose against your house, then why not grow it straight into the ground? Perhaps you might need to lift a flagstone or make a hole if you have no open ground?
21 Apr, 2013