By Lenswife
United Kingdom
I have just found your site, it is lovely. I loved the pictures of the Heucheras. I had six in pots but they are looking very untidy and nearly dead so I thought I may throw them out. Do you think they would be better put in the garden?
21 Apr, 2013
Welcome to GoY Lenswife, totally agree with Bloomer, heucheras do tend to look a bit dead at this time of year, but the care and attention mentioned above, all should be well with them. Definitely give them another chance in the garden and hope you don't find any of the dreaded vine weevils!
21 Apr, 2013
LW - I'm in Berkshire too, and I think they've suffered badly after the winter we've just had. But with the weather warming up, they should start to put on new growth again soon
21 Apr, 2013
You can plant Heucheras a bit deeper if they start to get too far above the soil level.
22 Apr, 2013
Many thanks to Bloomer, Louise15, Andrew and Volunteer for your kind answers. I will do as you suggest. Another heuchera I had last year I did find the dreaded vine weev8ls had attacked it.
22 Apr, 2013
Hi lenswife, welcome to goy, you will find lots of advise on this site, I find it a great help to me, I agree with volunteer about putting them in deeper, I have just dug all mine out and reburied them as they had grown tall and looked untidy, I do this every few years and they come back looking great,
24 Apr, 2013
Hi Taz, Just come on line again, thanks for tip on Hucheras. I intend diggin them deep but still haven't prepared the place they are going in.
6 May, 2013
Welcome to GoY,Lenswife..glad you like the site,and you may find it very helpful,just ask away ...
Your heucheras would be fine,if you put them in your garden..they are very hardy,but firstly,examine the roots closely,as there might be Vine weevils in your pots..If so,try and pick them off,and wash all the soil off the roots,then replant in your garden..If you also trim off all the old foliage,as well,they should be already showing new growth in the centres..good luck :o)
21 Apr, 2013