By Chris72
United Kingdom
I have a cherry tree which which has been here 12/20 years;not to sure as it was here when we moved in. All its branches point upward and if possible I would like to prune it so that it was a nicer shape and lower.It's about 15 foot high! Has anyone any suggestions?
22 Apr, 2013
Thank you Volunteer, for the advice. Will leave it this year, as it is just about to blossom(providing the winds die down!) Thanks again P.s. I don't think the neighbours will mind-to the left of this tree I have a Oriental Magnolia,it's about 25 feet tall,I was asked not to trim it because it gave privacy!!
22 Apr, 2013
We used to have a large pink ornamental cherry in the garden which someone had pollarded. It had grown to a lovely shape after that.
22 Apr, 2013
Any pruning must be done during summer, on Cherries, otherwise you risk getting silverleaf disease. You could prune down the main trunk and leave the lower branches, The trunk would resprout and you could thin out the shoots produced to form a new framework. Check that the tree was not grafted at the top of the trunk or you will lose the cultivar and be left with the rootstock variety. This is usually a boring white-flowered sort.
However, the tree looks a good shape. I wouldn't touch it, unless of course, as I suspect it is casting too much shade for you or your neighbours!
22 Apr, 2013