By Patfran
United Kingdom
I have a Yucca in my front garden which is now 4 years old. It has produced baby offset plants but when can I expect it to flower?
28 Apr, 2013
They are terrible plants to get rid of. I dug down for ages to get the young shoots out. The older stems seem to get stronger when they have flowered. I ended up sawing off the stems with my small saw at ground level and treating with Tree Root Killer, it did kill them but they are still there to haunt me. Will gradually go rotten. Cant wait.
They are never allowed to get too big in Council gardens, dangerous spikes when children are about.
29 Apr, 2013
Thanks but I don't want to get rid of it, I want it to flower. Yes I think it was Adam's needle, the label blew away!
2 May, 2013
Adam's Needle is great and easy to divide if the soil is not heavy (if you added grit when planting it will pay now). I use a garden fork then lift the whole plant up and you can normally separate the offsets with your hands or with 2 hand forks. If it is too spiky/large to do that then a sharp spade will cleanly take off the offsets.
2 May, 2013
I dont know whose needle it was, but it certainly
'needled' me ! Have never seen any other variety.
2 May, 2013
Thanks but I still want to know when I can expect it to flower.
8 May, 2013
4-6 years I would expect it to does seem to need a good warm dry spell to entice it.
8 May, 2013
Thanks, maybe next year then.
12 May, 2013
What type of Yucca is it - Adam's needle?
28 Apr, 2013