United Kingdom
How can i deter a neighbours dog from fouling in my part of a communal garden
23 Jan, 2010
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dogs in the garden
23 Jan, 2010
Good luck as you do not have to put up with this, but I think photos always help.
23 Jan, 2010
Your neighbour has to control his dog and clean up any mess... if this is a communal garden just point out the problem to whomever is in charge.
23 Jan, 2010
I think that if you point out to the person that owns the dog that the dog is a problem, what I would like to know is ,is that person caperable of walking the dog and why they are doing nothing about it,if they are just not cairing ,tell them that if nothing is dun about it you will report it to the council or houseing assoseation, they will sort it, but try to avoid bad fealing by aproching the dog owner first.
24 Jan, 2010
i read this and it made me laugh ....Determine the times of day that the dog has a tendency to visit your yard. Plan to put the sprinkler on at those times to deter the dog. Most will want to avoid getting wet.
I used to have the same problem it made me so mad, as my next door neighbour thought it was someone they had a problem with.....
29 Apr, 2010
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Take some photos and of the dog as well if you can catch him then contact the owners about this or if this fails ask the leaseholder or caretaker to intervene.
23 Jan, 2010