By Learnerchris
United Kingdom
I new regular borders with clay soil defined by sleepers. They have a weed mat and a little compost below tree bark used for my kids play bit. I am totally new to gardening, any ideas on things to plant (fairly robust with 2 toddlers)

13 May, 2013
Featured on:
all year garden interest
weed suppressing membranes
LOL is it my PC or is your garden in Australia.This photo really made me laugh. :0)))
13 May, 2013
In answer to your question I would try Forsythia [Yellow]and Ribes [Rich Pink] for Spring colour,and for ground cover Vinca minor[Greygreen leaf with Purple flowers]and of course Roses although watch the thorns.Hope this helps a little.......Keep trying with the photos it happens to us all at first.;0)
13 May, 2013
l would remove all the weed suppressor before adding plants. It keeps in the moisture which is not what you want for 10 months of the year in the UK as it causes root rot and all manner of problems.
13 May, 2013
Ive cricked my neck lol, the border along the wall you could put some climbers along and go for a lovely cottage garden look, packed with perennials that give interest through the year or go with a shrubbery so that you again have interest through the year incorporate some evergreen shrubs for winter interest foliage effect etc.
13 May, 2013
for those cricking their necks or standing upside down trying to view the image, I use google chrome, so right clicking the image, saving it and looking at it in windows viewer and rotating it gives a proper view.....I suppose you could do the same with Explorer or Firefox browsers.
13 May, 2013
For a garden used by young children I would start with shrubs, easy-care ones that will take it in turn to produce flowers .... forsythia (yellow), ribes (flowering currant ... pink) in spring, mock orange (white), buddleia (purples thro' pinks to white), hardy fuchsias (pendular flowers in reds, purples, pinks & whites)in summer, hydrangea (red/pink) for summer/autumn, garrya eliptica 'James Roof' (long silver-white tassels in winter, slow growing but worth the wait)
A siver birch would add height and add interest in winter with its shape and bark.
Fill the gaps with perennials such as cranesbills [properly known as geraniums but NOT the pelargonums] for summer colour (red, pinks, whites), aster novae-angliae or aster belgii and groundcover plants like bergenia (Elephants'Ears), vinca minor, Hypericum calycinum.
Then patches of colourful annuals ... the children can help with scattering the seed in spring ( not too late this year due to the weather) .... plenty of cheap packets (look for hardy annuals) in pound shops, Wilkinsons etc. Poppies, marigolds, sunflowers, love in the mist, forget me nots, and nightscented stock are very easy.
In late summer/autumn look for easy bulbs such as daffodils, crocuses, tulips to plant then for spring colour.
Enjoy your garden, I am sure you will.
14 May, 2013
Great answers, especially the detailed reply from Xela ..
.. adding to GoYpedia :o)
14 May, 2013
Thank you for passing on your knowledge, especially Xela I shall have a good go. The garden is purely rectangular with a step and a shed toward the back. I hope crick-necks clear up I do not know what the ipad did to the picture it still looks ok to me.
14 May, 2013
Hi Chris ..
Since Ipad, quite a lot of pics on GoY have come out sidways or upside down. Not to worry ! :o)))
14 May, 2013
No worries, Chris .... welcome to GoY! Keep us posted on how your garden progresses, with pics too even if the Ipad turns them upside down, Lol. Give a shout if you need help, we are all beginners at some time. There are a few experts here but most of us are keen amateurs, all pleased to share our eclectically aquired knowledge and experience to help out new gardeners.
15 May, 2013
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Are you looking for shrubs or perennials or both?
13 May, 2013