By Dirtyred
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
Cats! Can anyone offer any tried and tested tips for stopping the local cat population digging up my beds? Someone has suggested putting down flakes of chilli, has anyone found it works? Many thanks, Nick :)
6 Jun, 2013
So annoying isn't It Nick? I kept blaming my dog digging til I spotted cat poo. I've heard there are plants that they don't like but don't know what they are, I'm sure someone else on here will know.
6 Jun, 2013
Thanks Louisa - sadly they keep targetting the space I have set aside for wildflowers, lots of bare earth as you say. I have some bramble I cut back hopefully that could work too? I would be very sad to stop feeding the birds - they are such good company!
6 Jun, 2013
It really is BBM! So frustrating! But where there's a will there's surely a way :)
6 Jun, 2013
Put cats into the search bar to see how many other people have asked this question, and what answers they have had!
6 Jun, 2013
I'm having the same problem in a newly prepared bed and I've sprinkled some cayenne pepper a few times now and I do think it works (black pepper may work as well). However, you have to keep applying it regularly, especially after watering, otherwise they will leave their deposits again (as I have found out this week).
7 Jun, 2013
I love my own cat dearly (illogically my less pet-mesmerised French neighbours tell me!) but I must admit I get quite ferocious when I've cleared a nice fine tilth in the veggie garden and she stands by, watching me, and then saunters onto the patch to try and anoint it! - even worse when the local stray moggies do it, I've been known to resort to a kids' water-pistol...
However you can't really blame them (we too use nice flush loos and triple softness toilet paper if we can get them! - and only AA Milne's 'Eeyore' enjoyed squatting on thistles...)
I HAVE found if you've got a specially treasured patch then scattering holly leaves if you have them has some effect (but it's a pain to do), otherwise yes pepper does work (a bit!) but it's an expensive and only temporary solution. Chili flakes also expensive and my cat at least sniffs delicately and then ignores that particular smell.
Nothing deters a really determined cat!
7 Jun, 2013
I have some old border edging that I use to cordon off newly sown area's.
You could try something like that or cut bamboo canes with some fruit netting to create low level cages perhaps.
To be honest though my cats will try anything - I have one that regularly climbs into the middle of an almost 3 ft wide Hebe and does his thing. Can't be comfortable....
7 Jun, 2013
chillie pepper put a bit of fish a few times works though someone will say thats cruel, also spray some of your own urine (from a bottle) on the area helps too, it also puts some nitogen in the soil
7 Jun, 2013
Wow, thank you all so much for so many useful ideas! Looks like I will be going shopping for some black pepper and a bit of mesh or netting after work! Thanks again everyone :)
7 Jun, 2013
Cordoning off the area to stop physical access is the only thing that works. Everything else washes away or does not work.
7 Jun, 2013
Thanks Kilder - based on what I've been advised and read on previous posts I am going to try a combination of thorny prunings, chicken wire, black pepper and a water pistol!
7 Jun, 2013
Pepper does not work after it gets wet. I use small Bamboo sticks where cats poop and that stops the problem.
7 Jun, 2013
I tried netting but they just did their business on top of the netting so I still had to clear it up.
7 Jun, 2013
Last year I used the wire shelving from an old plastic mini greenhouse and laid it over the bare places in the border. It worked a treat and the plants grew up through it and I either left it where it was or lifted it gently where necessary.
7 Jun, 2013
Thank you all for your advice much appreciated! :)
8 Jun, 2013
Previous question
« I have recently brought some small Azalea's, could someone please tell me the...
I put the prunings from my roses across my beds, or sprigs of holly. It works quite a bit of the time, cats don't seem to like the thorns:) I wouldn't even try sowing seed directly into the soil though, too much bare earth to tempt them. I've not found any other deterent works, and had to stop feeding birds which encouraged cats. I get a lot fewer cats now than I used to.
6 Jun, 2013