United Kingdom
I recently bought two of the Arum Lilies which I think are the hardy ones. Some of the people in the village have large clumps of these which are out all weathers, so assumed that it should be OK in this area.
Reading up on the planting of these in the RHS Enc. it says, full sun, partial shade, well-drained soil, the next sentence it says they will grow in 6-12 inches of water as a marginal plant.
Does anyone have any experience of these in water, does the root ball need to be under the water level?
Thanks in advance for any help.
On plant
Zantedeschia aethiopica

11 Jun, 2013
Thanks Derek, It just seemed such a conundrum, didn't like being waterlogged, but then again they grew in water! I think I will put mine in the pond, presumably with the rootball underwater so if it freezes they may have some protection.
I lost a gigantic Bay tree over the winter, apparently they either drown or suffocate from having the roots water-logged and not being able to transpire through the leaves when they are frozen - sounds awful suffocating a plant!
13 Jun, 2013
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Hi, these like loads of water in summer, and can be used as marginal plants,and do very well, but if you decide to grow in the ground, make sure that the ground is continually moist but not waterlogged in winter, it's a case of 1 or the other, Derek.
12 Jun, 2013