By Japon
United Kingdom
Good companion plants for Laurels?
Companion not the best word for me right now, But would a nice red Acer look good next to a couple of green Laurels?
18 Jun, 2013
Perhaps not the best turn of phrase in your current circs, Japon, certainly.
I'd echo Worthy's questions, and also want to check that you're talking about Prunus laurocerasus when you say 'green laurels'.
19 Jun, 2013
Are they to go side by side or as ground cover/smaller shrubs?
(Keep smiling, keep busy!)
19 Jun, 2013
Ive noticed the french are great ones for mixing hedging,
And a house near to the local supermarket has laurel and phontinia red robin planted,
ie red robin then one laurel, then one red robin then one laurel and so on for about 10 feet line of hedging.
they've kept this hedge approx 5 feet high and its clipped to keep it to this height,
its now in its 4th year and has grown to be a thick hedge
and i must say a really nice looking one.
Both the Laurel & phontinia seem happy growing together.
20 Jun, 2013
Dungy, Thanks for that with the Photonias, Iv got a couple of red robins and a Pink marble that need planting. Might try a hedge with the Laurels.
Bamboo they are Prunus laurocerasus 'Rotundifolia' According to the label.
20 Jun, 2013
Okay, if you're not intending to keep your laurels small, they'll get 16 x 16 feet each eventually, so you might want to consider the eventual size of whatever you choose to plant nearby. A Japanese Acer would rather be dwarfed eventually...
21 Jun, 2013
Why would they get to 16 x 16 if im pruning them regular? 6Ft max.
21 Jun, 2013
oh gawd blimey, Japon, have a look will ya, lol! I said if you're NOT intending to keep your laurels small.... I know you're under stress, maybe you missed that all important word...
22 Jun, 2013
Cryptic question with that addendum! However, re the plants, possibly, but I think a bright pale green leaf would look good against the dark glossy green of laurel. How tall are the laurels, how large can the plants be?
19 Jun, 2013