United Kingdom
Hi All, I want to order some chrysanths, are they hard to grow, can I put them in pots, all advice gratefully received.
31 Jan, 2010
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easy to grow and you can grow them in pots bit they are usually taller than the pot mums you buy in the shops. I have some in a large pot and they have to be staked as they are about 3ft tall. there may well be dwarf varieties to chose from.
31 Jan, 2010
There are indeed dwarfs, i have one of them in my front garden.
I was out there yesterday having a look around, they've got winter damage to the top growth but ....... there's loads and loads of new growth there - amazing !
Mine's called 'Peterkin'.
I know that Worlds End nursery sell the shorter ones, have a look at their online list.
31 Jan, 2010
thank you all so much, I think the varieties I was going to choose would not be suitable for me, so I have saved a bit of money thanks again.
1 Feb, 2010
It's good to get lots of info before buying, i agree Patricia :-)
1 Feb, 2010
With a little care you should be successful, try spray types this year. Get rooted cuttings in May and you could plant them straight out in the garden. Cover with a piece of bubble wrap. Keep it off the plants with a few twigs. That should get you started.
31 Jan, 2010