By Hank
United Kingdom
Comparing onions
My daughter in California and I were comparing our onions yesterday. Hers are red while mine are white/yellow. Both are almost ready to get up.
There's a photo of each below (I hope).
Why are mine all above the ground and hers below, and why does she have huge seed heads while mine have none ?
Is one lot better than the other ?

27 Jun, 2013
Thanks Steveg, but why is it not good that her's have bolted ? She'll insist I fully explain.
27 Jun, 2013
I've just seen the web site you mention, probably the explanation is there. Checking it now.
27 Jun, 2013
Hers are deeper in the ground probably because she planted them more deeply than you did. You did it correctly.
27 Jun, 2013
Hey Margaret, you just made my day with your reply above. She thinks she knows everything. I've a good mind to send your answer to her or she'll never believe me.
28 Jun, 2013
I am not used to answering to Margaret - you are the only person ever to do it. You are welcome to send her my answer - everyone on here who grows veg would back you up. But I have no idea whether this would contribute to them bolting - that's more likely to be the weather. The reason its a bad thing is that after they have flowered they feel their work is done and they stop growing.
28 Jun, 2013
Thanks M., (how can I call you Stera ? - don't seem right) i'll explain the problem to her - she'll be impressed, and a bit miffed.
29 Jun, 2013
Call me Sue then. If she's really miffed send her an onion.
29 Jun, 2013
Got it Sue, and I could take her an onion - I'm going to stay at her place in San Diego soon.
30 Jun, 2013
I'd like to see you explain that to Customs!
30 Jun, 2013
Previous question
« Hi, I'd be really grateful if someone could identify this flower for me. Thanks.
Hi Hank
Your daughters onions have bolted which is not good yours look great read this article.
27 Jun, 2013