By Marionmckay
United Kingdom
I'm looking for some ideas to create a small, cheap garden water feature. Not sure how effective the solar ones are?
If using an electric pump in a self contained feature does the pump clean the water or does it have to be changed every so often?
Does anyone have a pictures of their ideas
many thanks
28 Jun, 2013
Yes thats right it was me,
Ive a water feature in our gite and this works off the mains eclectirc, And i wanted to know if anyone was having solar and any true to fact info on solar from members rather than from sellers of solar systems,
Now to answer your question ref the pump cleaning the water, our's is clean and we only have the pump going i did read it was because the water is being pumped that helps keep the small area we have clean.
Now ref idea's for features!
As long as the pump's connections can be fitted to the
(what ever you use to pass the water through) its up to you to decide what feature you'd like,
when you by the likes of the little boy urinating into the water "its still only the pumps tube being connecter to the pipe thats fixed to the little boys statue and then past through until the water comes out and into the water feature,
Same as dolphins etc they are only the statue feature, it could be a tin of beans as the feature! as long as the enter and exit tube is connected then you've a feature,
pumps come in all sizes "some very powerful for the likes of las vegas fountains and some very small for little boys urinating size.
28 Jun, 2013
Did you get any feedback Dungy? I'm still wondering about this.
28 Jun, 2013
Hi "NO" I didnt,
pity really but during the winter i'll have a good look into who's doing what ref solar,
Now having said this of all the solar lights ive bought over the years i did buy a real cheapone from one of those store's full of cheap chineese stuff, and this solar light has 6 lights running off a small box and its gone on & on for 6 years now under the arbour,
so these lights are out there.
29 Jun, 2013
I quite like the idea of a baked bean tin as a water feature. And why not?
I used a solar powered pump for an 'ecologically sound' project for a council, and it's still going well, and that's several years later. What you can't expect is a 40ft fountain, but a small feature will be easily powered by the little solar pumps available nowadays
29 Jun, 2013
Joining in so I can see any answers.Someone was asking abut solar ones earlier in the year.
28 Jun, 2013