By Wateravon
United Kingdom
My clematis has just finished flowering. It grows against a shed that has to be demolished. Would I be able to cut it down and move it. I have tried to take cuttings but to no avail. thank you Barb
13 Jul, 2013
I agree and take as much soil around the roots as you can to minimise root damage. I'd certainly prune it down to about 1-2ft tall. Keep it in a big pot/bucket in the shade to prevent the root ball getting too hot too.
13 Jul, 2013
Thank you both very much, will try the move today.
15 Jul, 2013
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« Kolkwitzia- wiegela ! ( spelling ?)9 Can't believe it's me can you .?...
Yes. But . . . moving it (therefore maximum root disturbance in summer) will be potentially damaging. Masses of water prior to the move, then cut it back, and move it. Masses of water again and you may get flower later this year.
13 Jul, 2013