By Funguy
United Kingdom
Oak tree deficiency - We have an oak tree in our garden and it gets magnesium deficiency every year. It starts getting bad in late Autumn/Winter time and eventually gets so bad that all the leaves crisp and fall off.
What i need to know is, my wife was given some 'Body Shop Vanilla Bliss Bath Salts' as a gift but doesn't ever use the stuff as it smells like Vanilla and she doesn't like Vanilla, anyway i heard bath salts help magnesium deficiency, so should i start sprinkling the stuff around the tree now to prevent the leaves falling of come Autumn/Winter???
And how many teaspoons should i put around it, the tree is quite big, i would say about 150 years old and probably 70-80 ft high.
Thanks in advance.

19 Jul, 2013
I think you could do no better than ask a tree surgeon regarding amounts of Epsom salts to use. Failing that use your wife's bath salts and the tree will smell lovely at least:}
20 Jul, 2013
Thsts a good idea Cammomile, its such a big tree, I was wondering if a balanced fertiliser with trace elements would help, large quantities of one thing could drastically upset the soil balance
20 Jul, 2013
Most oak trees lose their leaves in autumn/winter anyway! What species have you got?
20 Jul, 2013
Well i added the bath salts but i think the tree did not like it. If i stake it back up do you think it will recover?
21 Jul, 2013
Oops seems the vanilla was too much for it.......
21 Jul, 2013
Are you having a larfe!
21 Jul, 2013
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Epsom salts are the usual thing for magnesium deficiency......I don't know how much for a tree!
As to bath salts, can you read the ingredients?
20 Jul, 2013