By Bowl_you
I know some members are growing Erodium 'Fran's Delight' and Erodium 'Spanish Eyes'. I have been having trouble getting the names of the E. petraeum group straight, but now also wonder about some of the hybrid selections that seem very much the same. Slight difference in colour is possible with different photos and lighting and even the plants vary quite a bit. What is the defining difference between Spanish Eyes and Fran's Delight?
20 Jul, 2013
I don't think I can see one. Like a lot of the geraniaceae they're a promiscuous bunch resulting in named cultivars which could often show differences between individuals of the same cultivar, depending on their growing conditions, as well as between different cultivars. That's the trouble with money driving the market instead of pure interest. (That's my rant over)
20 Jul, 2013