By Asaund
i have a small patch of waste ground in my garden and I want to create an enchanted garden for my grand daughter, should i cover it with bark or gravel?
20 Jul, 2013
Enchanted garden... neither - a green path...
20 Jul, 2013
I agree - neither seems very enchanted to me but of the two bark is softer to fall on.
20 Jul, 2013
Agree Stera... Asaund - how big is this area and what soil conditions do you have?
20 Jul, 2013
for me if i was doing an enchanted garden, i would use moss although i don't which type it is that you can use as ground cover.
20 Jul, 2013
For me, an enchanted garden is a clearing surrounded by high dense growth. I suppose bark but ideally grass would be the ideal clearing, assuming you can get a lawnmower to it as bark is not great to sit on/place a rug over - same for gravel.
20 Jul, 2013
I've noticed in the past that Fungi can and often grows on areas covered with bark chippings. As the bark decomposes (which it will) they grow. Not a good idea if children are going to have access.
20 Jul, 2013
Oh, I don't know, most fungi are interesting strange little beasts and might add to the enchantment! We grew up being told not to eat/touch them until we'd made certain they were ok. Get your point though. I think for ease of maintenance woodchip or bark. Woodchip drains more freely and is often free. Use some ferns and some small trees overhead for the woodland feel. A couple of large evergreen shrubs for them to hide behind when there's homework to be done? A little pond (safety taken into account, of course) might be nice, even a lined half- barrel which can be part screened by planting
21 Jul, 2013
Have a look at the following site. It talks about using tyre chippings, prices, depth and coverage but most important to me as a grandma it says the chippings are cat proof. Very important if you want to make this to be a kids only access area. the product is guaranteed for 12 years. Sounds good to me. I wonder if anyone has any experience of this type mulch?
21 Jul, 2013
Previous question
Just imagine falling down on gravel...
20 Jul, 2013