By Astrantia98
United Kingdom
Hi Everyone
Has anyone tried cooking and freezing courgette? does it work? have so many of them but don't want to have them wasted if I can store them for later in the year. Also was thinking of doing the same with my carrots, would that work? Thanks
20 Jul, 2013
I make roasted veg with them and include as many veg as I can get eg courgettes, squash, carrots, red and white onions, shallots, red, green and yellow peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, cauliflower etc. etc. I cook them for a meal and freeze the excess in single portions which I can defrost as and when needed. I dk how long they would keep because I do use them all within three months.
21 Jul, 2013
We cook sliced courgettes in butter before freezing as we mainly use them as 'bulk' in various dishes. Freeze on trays and pack in the amount you would need to use in a recipe.
21 Jul, 2013
Thanks for the advice. Will definately give it a go.
22 Jul, 2013
Hi.I know it may be a bit late for this year.I grow courgette and make a simple tomato and onion,garlic sauce
. Blanche the courgette and add to the sauce and freeze in suitable portions.lovely with pasta or as extra veg dish to.a main.meal.
Just joined this site and so glad I did.
Best wishes
Kim penstemon
5 Sep, 2013
You can freeze both, although courgettes tend to go mushy. Blanch them first by putting them into a pan of boiling water, bring back to the boil for about 1 minute. then plunge into iced water, dry off and freeze in bags. Don't do too many at a time.
20 Jul, 2013