By Urbanite
United Kingdom
Nurseries v Garden Centres - Not so much a question as an observation.
I've just had a weekend in Edinburgh and visited a couple of 'plant selling establishments'. One that was very much a wholesale venture with a retail garden centre added on, walk in through the front door to be greeted by clothes outlet, jewellery, toys and a restaurant.
Another, a smallish place with racks of seeds, bags of compost and a tea shop in a converted barn - sit out on a picnic bench on the lawn.
The third, well, I knew was in the right place when I was told 'you've not been here before. Trees are down there, shrubs over there, ferns and hostas are in the tunnels and if you want a cup of tea the kettle's in the shed.' It's just a pity that it's 300 miles from where I live!
22 Jul, 2013
Well Urbanite, as you said, you realized you were in the right place at the third one. Unlike the other 2 that probably only knew a little about each diverse product they were selling they the third one was probably very knowledgeable, focused and passionate about plants.
All too often I see large supermarket chains selling plants at the entrance to the store and I sometimes notice that someone, probably the store junior, hasn't watered them for a while. The soil has dried out and the plants have begun to wither. Sometimes it's to my advantage because I seek out the manager, point this out to him and offer a ridiculous amount, 10p, 20, etc, to take a few of them off his hands. After a good soak in a bucket of water they can usually be revived and I get plants for a fraction of the cost.
22 Jul, 2013
Same down here our local GC sells books, kitchen ware, clothes and many other things like cushions and candles. I think they would close down if they didnt. Lots of privately owned nurseries when we first moved here over 15 years ago and everyone of them has gone out of business.
22 Jul, 2013
My place is 90% plants, trees, shrubs, perennials, (bedding and veg too). I struggle to make a living, but it's what I do.
22 Jul, 2013
Oh, do you have a business Worthy?
22 Jul, 2013
I live in Edinburgh, just on the outskirts. Within a 10 minute drive from me there are numerous GCs and Nurseries. The one I use regularly is more on the lines of No3. I'm even trusted to go into the polytunnels that are marked 'staff only' I much prefer the personal, knowledgeable, friendly environment.
22 Jul, 2013
There is a big gc chain one near us, and across the road a oroper nursery, in fact two more nurseries not far away, I find each useful in their own way, and seem to thrive.......but the nurseries seem to specialise,.
23 Jul, 2013
I would much prefer the third one as well, but alas where I live all I find is the first one no matter what direction I head in.
23 Jul, 2013
"greeted by clothes outlet, jewellery, toys and a restaurant. "
I believe garden centres and nurseries make about 40-60% of their profit from food and drink...hence they all tend to have them. God knows who buys the random selection of clothes and mediocre selection of toys.
22 Jul, 2013