By Sid
United Kingdom
I'm trying to ID a neighbour's shrub. I thought it was Lavatera, but from looking at pictures tonight, Lavatura seems to be the name for the annual flower AKA Mallow. It's a shrub with long stems coming up from the ground, it has lots of pink flowers like a hibiscus and fuzzy lobed leaves. It's a common one - I'm sure you'll all know what I'm talking about! Anyway, my neighbour wants to know if he can move it.
6 Feb, 2010
Sounds like Lavatera the shrub Sid....grows with thick woody stems that can easily snap......called Lavatera as it means " washing the ground" which it does with the branches. Lavatera Barnsley is a pretty pale pink type.
6 Feb, 2010
Ha..ha we both answered together Simbad...:o)
6 Feb, 2010
Ah, that'll be it, thanks Kathy! I got confuddled by googling it and it only showed up the annual types. I told him I didn't think it wouldn't move successfully as I believe they are susceptable to windrock, so I thought that his large shrub wouldn't re-establish. So I think I more or less got away with that one lol I offered to take some cuttings, but I think he wants it out of the way before summer, so doubt I'll get the chance. Thanks for the help! Take care, Sarah.
6 Feb, 2010
Ha ha.... we must have done a triple-posting thing or something Janey x-D
6 Feb, 2010
when I had one I used to prune it down to knee height. surely he could prune hard then replant. it might well survive. and off course cuttings will be a back up for it.
6 Feb, 2010
I've done just that Seaburn !
Pruned it right back and then replanted ...... and it was fine.
Take a decent rootball and it should re-establish okay.
7 Feb, 2010
Thanks for the advice ladies! I hope I catch him in time to let him know the good news then!
7 Feb, 2010
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There is a shrub called lavatera Sid as well as the annual flowers, have several in my garden there's also a white one called Lavatera 'Barnsley', never tried moving one but it does grow really easily and pretty rapidly from cuttings,I usually take them in summer from new growth.
6 Feb, 2010