United Kingdom
I have two very tall about 18ft variegated golden holly trees in my garden. They are sprouting skywards and feel sure I should get someone to trim them and take out top . I am wondering if now is the right time or should I wait until the autumn.
The reason I am thinking about getting this done now, is because I have two dead trees so need to get 'a man that does' and am fed up looking at dead lilac and dead choisa.
Thankyou for any advice.
9 Aug, 2013
Thanks Worthy1, good advice, yes will leave until spring,
plenty of other jobs that can be done now.
11 Aug, 2013
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« hi all I have a echeveria "duchess of nurenberg" does this plant require...
Holly is a tough plant and will survive all sorts of abuse, but I would do it in mid spring, so that any new growth made isn't clobbered by a late frost. Even now might just cause it to suffer, and it'll make little extra growth between now and next year anyway
10 Aug, 2013