By Edlyn12
I have purchased Paulownia Tomentosa seeds.I planted them in a bit of potting soil and sprinkled the seeds on top.I put this in a small container with a lid and I put them in the fridge.I am going to leave them there for two weeks and then take the container out and I am going to put them somewhere warm.Do you think they will grow or am I doing it totally wrong.Please help.Thank You.
11 Aug, 2013
You can sow the seed in a cold frame in autumn or spring, as Kildermorie says they don't need stratification, they will germinate in the spring.
I hope you have a lot of patience, they get to 40ft high, with a spread of 30ft, but they wont get to that size anytime soon, Derek.
11 Aug, 2013
Hi Derek,
You pollard the Paulownia tree after 3-5 years every 3 years or so to keep it small and to get large leaves for a jungle effect. You lose the flowers but gain the massive leaves.
12 Aug, 2013
Just help me with this, I bought the seeds off Ebay and on the instructions they say to stratify them for two weeks.Is this wrong or right.Thanks.
12 Aug, 2013
Scientific papers would tend to support the view that the seed does not need stratification, although lesser authorities state that it does. As said above, warmth to trigger it. As a tree from Asia, it is unlikely that seeds require frost, but more likely that they mature properly before sowing. Sown about now, they will probably germinate before winter, and will need protection until the weather warms next year. Surprisingly tough tree, once up and running, and with lovely leaves. A friend of mine grew several, for fun, coppicing some, and allowing two to grow to maturity. Very quick in their early years, and the leaves are awesome.
13 Aug, 2013
Bottom heat, damp soil and they will germinate quickly. I really would not germinate until early next year though as they will be wanting sun that we simply do not have in Dec-Feb.
13 Aug, 2013
They tend not to need stratification to germinate - just heat and humidity and I say that from germinating from packets and from the trees themselves. It is a bit late in the year to germinate as they will have no time to mature before winter. If you had started them off in March they would be 2ft by now with large leaves.
11 Aug, 2013