By Oxfordboy
United Kingdom
I have a Stagshorn sumach-Rhus typhina which has not done as well as expected this year, my question is this, It has been grown as a standard and I am wondering if I cut the branches back to within 20cm of the main trunk in the spring will it recover or would it be best to remove the tree altogether.
11 Aug, 2013
Might it have got a bit too wet last year? They don't like getting too wet. I know from experience as I lost mine! Also, I stand to be corrected on this one but from what I've read on here, doesn't it send out suckers if pruned?
Like Steragram I also hope someone will give better advice.
11 Aug, 2013
I think they often send up suckers anyway. I only lived with one once for five years, never pruned it and suckers appeared in the lawn regularly.
11 Aug, 2013
I would leave well alone.
I bought one 18 months ago and have kept it in a pot to avoid the suckers spreading. It hasn't enjoyed all the wet weather we had and hasn't grown much although this Spring it did produce buds the length of its trunk, I rubbed them off as they appeared because I want a tree rather than a bush.
I believe they will be much happier with the sunshine we have had this summer and put on the growth you expect in the next growing season.
12 Aug, 2013
Hi all.
Thanks for the replies.
The tree? is approx 12yrs old + and although it looks healthy at the top canopy a few of the lower branches have died off.
It has always produced suckers which I keep under control.
Many thanks John.
12 Aug, 2013
In that case why not just remove the dead branches and see what happens?
12 Aug, 2013
Seems a bit drastic if it simply hasn't done very well. Is it newly planted? How poorly has it done, does it look in reasonable condition apart from not having grown much? If you can add a photo to your question people may be able to give you better advice.
11 Aug, 2013