By Hank
United Kingdom
What's the most important thing about gardening you've learnt so far this year ?
Me - i' ve realised that outdoor cucumbers perform much better outside than in the greenhouse. Grows taller and produces many more cu's.
I've always assumed greenhouse was best. WRONG.
13 Aug, 2013
Do not give up on plants! I thought with last years soaking summer, autumn and winter and late frosts would kill off loads, but I lost almost nothing and some Palms I thought dead a few years back have been quietly putting on growth.
13 Aug, 2013
I just learned that following the rules and doing it all"right" doesn't necessarily prevent a bush that's been growing well for some years from turning pale and turning its toes up. Alas.
13 Aug, 2013
Don't be afraid of asking the 'daft' question. Chances are you're not the first to have asked, you just weren't around before to hear the answer.
13 Aug, 2013
To stop stressing over the garden, it will take care of is more important..
13 Aug, 2013
plants cant read the books and have grown nicely for millennia with out our help 'thank you very much'. :o)
13 Aug, 2013
This is the sort of question I feel enthusiastic about because I've learnt so much from our GOY members.
Last year I wondered why my carnations were always so poor only to fnd out that they hate TLC but love neglect!
I was gobsmacked. This year they have been very uncared for and lo and behold --- they have flowered beautifully. Thankyou GOY.
13 Aug, 2013
To love my garden and grow more plants that are more suited to the conditions.
13 Aug, 2013
To look for an old RHS Encyclopaedia of Plants for £4
in a charity shop. Its an old edition, but the information about plants and shrubs is just as relevant as in a new
£35 copy.
14 Aug, 2013
Well, not learned this year, but critical nonetheless - two things. Always check the NPK of any plant food, and two, water properly when/if its necessary, spray guns on the ends of hoses should be banned.
14 Aug, 2013
Don't give up on seeds either....My heuchera seeds took nearly three months to germinate!!
14 Aug, 2013
The most important thing to know is that there is always more to know! It's bottomless, absolutely fascinating
14 Aug, 2013
Thanks for the replies, I've learned from them and will keep them on file.
14 Aug, 2013
Accept the fact that somethings just do not like my garden so to stop wasting my time, energy and money and grow the things that are successful, lol..
14 Aug, 2013
I'll second that, Linclass. I'm gardening on sand, but some things just love it, all the usual poppies , lavender , rosemary, thyme etc. Next year I think I'll go to town with one of those wild meadow mixes that the insects so love. Have already saved seed from larkspur & cornflowers.
15 Aug, 2013
And me Lincs.....
It took me a while to give in but the last few years have proved that I need bone hardy......sturdy, windproof plants here!
The prevailing wind used to be southwesterly, the last few years it was east/northeasterly so much colder and stronger (all except this summer!)
16 Aug, 2013
hi Hank i have also always grown my cucumbers in a greenhouse like yourself.Next year i will certainately be trying them outside .As they have been very poor in the greenhouse.
The best thing we have learned this year is winter plants do grow through the summer.I brought some late winter plants and they are still thriving now.:))))
13 Aug, 2013