By Pam24
United Kingdom
Hi, saw this on holiday, Burgundy, France and wondered what it was called. Anyone know? Thanks.

13 Aug, 2013
Yes, tamarix. It can be grown in the UK - we had one in family garden in midlands - it was hardy but never really did much in the way of growing, don't recall it being much more than 4 ft high but very effective in good years with a froth of candyfloss pink wafting on the slightest breeze.
13 Aug, 2013
That sounds familiar, thanks guys :))
14 Aug, 2013
I have a tamarix Snoopdog, but don't know anything about pruning them. When should it be done & how much? Mine is only about 4/5 years old at the moment, but was nice and frothy this year.
21 Aug, 2013
It looks like a Tamarix.
13 Aug, 2013