By Gamekeeper
United Kingdom
I have masses of moss on my lawn? which at the moment I can lift off like a mat. Can this go in the compost bin or will that cause more poroblems than I already have?
10 Feb, 2010
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lawn care
I have it in my lawns at times I tend to weed/feed in the spring then rake it off when its brown any big patches can be reseeded. If its a very large area you can buy/hire airators.
10 Feb, 2010
It's only a lawn!! Make the borders interesting and no-one will notice! At least moss is green!
11 Feb, 2010
It's only a lawn!! Make the borders interesting and no-one will notice! At least moss is green! Sorry, pushed the button twice!
11 Feb, 2010
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Don't put it on the compost heap as this will only spread the problem around the garden. Also, try to aerate the lawn with a fork. I expect it is in a damp shady site? I have a front lawn like this that is full of moss. Good drainage is the only answer, but it depends how much it bothers you! Chickens are great scarifiers, too!!
10 Feb, 2010