By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
I took cuttings from Erysimum 'Bowles Mauve' a few weeks ago, and now wonder how long I should wait before planting them out? (they don't have much root yet)
25 Aug, 2013
Hi Derek, thanks. Yes, they were in the greenhouse, potted up individually. I actually put them on an outside table today, but don't really understand why they would thrive better outside?
25 Aug, 2013
I took cuttings off mine last year,Sheila..and also left them inside my growhouse..with the front open,till it turned cold..They stayed inside all winter,but I kept a check on them,just giving them a little water,now and then..I hardened them off as with other cuttings,and planted out late May..they are now as big as the parent plant,which I got rid of,as it was very leggy after the winter..and they have flowered well..good luck :o)
25 Aug, 2013
Thanks Bloomer. I'm obviously in too much of a hurry, as usual! They're such great plants, aren't they, that I'm determined to nurture them.
25 Aug, 2013
I know the feeling,Sheila, like most gardeners,I guess..
They will be well nurtured,I'm sure and you will have a lovely display next year :o)
25 Aug, 2013
Hi Sheilabub, the problem with keeping them in a greenhouse, is that they grow too quickly, get very leggy, and very tender, which means you then have to start hardening them off before you can plant them out,
if you plant them as soon as they have a decent rootball they don't go "soft" and grow at a slower rate, and don't go leggy, hope this helps to 4xplain why they're better planted out rather than in the greenhouse, Derek.
26 Aug, 2013
Thanks for the advice Derek :)
26 Aug, 2013
Hi, do you have them in a greenhouse?, and have you potted them up individually, if so, I would move them outside and let them grow on until early october, then plant out where you want them to flower, by which time they should have a decent size rootball, Derek.
25 Aug, 2013