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shropshire, United Kingdom Gb

mint tree?gaynor bought this plant and was told it was a mint tree it does have scent on leaves when squeezed ,there is now coming some white flowers so i ask is this will it last the winter or any other info will be helpful..the third photo is from bird feed under the feeder i meant to do separate but dont know how sorry

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The grassy job is one of the millets. The 'mint tree' is savory, one of several of that name. Satureja is the latin. Winter savory is hardy and flowers lavender blue on current season's shoots, so it dies down over winter and produces fresh each year. Mediterranean plant. However, I don't know which species yours is, so I would treat it like a slightly tender plant, and mulch the crown over the winter months like you would a salvia.

28 Aug, 2013


I dunno, I've gone over to pink this year!

28 Aug, 2013


Are you sure that is one of the Saturejas? It looks more like one of the Australian mint bushes, Prostanthera.

28 Aug, 2013


I think you're right, and Snoop, treat accordingly. The flowers on satureja are too small for your plant. Go for prostanthera cuneata (which is also mint bush), and treat it as you would any slightly tender, but fairly tough sub-shrub. Avoid chalky soil if you plant it out, and ensure good drainage.

28 Aug, 2013


I thought it was australian mint, mine died in the cold winter of 2010

28 Aug, 2013


I had it too until last year when it succumbed to a horrid white fungus that wouldn't respond to treatment. I was told it may have been due to all the wet weather, but it was planted in a pretty dry bed. Good luck with it - it has some flowers on through most of the summer.

28 Aug, 2013

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