By Pdb
United Kingdom
I bought some Plentifall Pansies already in hanging baskets earlier in the year and they have been fantastic. I took them down to make way for my summer hanging baskets but have kept them in the baskets watered and fed and also cut them back. My question is will they continue to flower in the winter? And what are the chances of them being as full as they were when I bought them?
31 Aug, 2013
I agree with Violas are still in flower from last year,after they have been cut back a couple of times..granted,the flowers are smaller ,but if you look closely,you will most probably see lots of little seedlings appearing in the you will have new Pansies from those as well,Pdb..good luck..
31 Aug, 2013
Many thanks guys. Will change the compost as advised and see what happens. I gave my hubby a bit of grief when he came home with them (£5 each ) as nothing to do with the price but I grew all my own hanging basket plants this year and didn't want any bought plants for baskets - but having said all that they were gorgeous for months and too be honest better that my own :-( . Thanks again
31 Aug, 2013
Hi, the baskets will probably need to have the compost renewed, and the plants may need a bit of tidying up, but I see no reason why you should not get a good show from them once again, Derek
31 Aug, 2013