By Nilracf
United Kingdom
I have just dug over a small bed at the back and intend to plant a buddleia and some heather. I intend to cover the bed with bark chippings to reduce wedding. If I sow daffodil, tulip and snowdrop bulbs will they grow or will the bark prevent growth? Many thanks.
31 Aug, 2013
Thank you for the response about the bulbs. Very many thanks for your advice about the heathers/buddleia. I did not realise that they were opposites. I was planning to sow the heather as a small ground cove but will need to research for something compatible with the buddleia. Again thank you for your contribution.
31 Aug, 2013
I'm assuming its in full sun, as you're planting Buddleia - have a look at Helianthemums - they remain green all winter, just need a clipping back after flowering, make good ground cover.
31 Aug, 2013
Bulbs should come through about a few cranesbill geraniums as ground can buy various heights and colours to flower from May until first frosts.once they have finished flowering for the first time,chop back quite hard and then they produce a second display.
Can be divided after the first year to produce more plants.mine have a habit of self seeding around the garden too!
31 Aug, 2013
I love geraniums myself, but I suspect its necessary to have something evergreen, given that the buddleia isn't. I forgot to mention Iberis sempervirens as another possibility Nilracf, also Hebe youngii (unless you live in a very cold part of the country - its hardy, but not bone hardy and may keel over in temperatures under -10 C)
31 Aug, 2013
Excellent. Thank you both for your suggestions. Very helpful and certainly some useful plants to create a nice bed. One final question. I was also looking at sedum as a ground cover but perhaps that will not be possible with the bark? Once again many thanks.
31 Aug, 2013
Which sedum? If Sedum acre, no, it won't do with mulch. Those that get taller will be okay, such as Sedum Autumn Joy, but they're not exactly ground cover.
31 Aug, 2013
Thanks Bamboo. The tips and information in this thread have been really really helpful and certainly give me plenty of options. I appreciate your input.
31 Aug, 2013
yes they'll come through fine, so long as the mulch isn't 6 inches deep, which might be a bit much for the snowdrops. I do foresee another problem though - Buddleia doesn't really like acidic soil conditions, yet most heathers require acid soil, apart from European winter and spring flowering ones.
31 Aug, 2013