The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Neellan

denbighshire, Wales

Please can anyone identify this Caterpillar there are 6 on one of plants I don't want to squish them, but my books nearest identity is Gypsy moth which doesn't sound good!



It looks like a Datana ministra (Yellow Neck).

1 Sep, 2013


Thank you Snoopdog no problem with caterpillars when wearing gardening gloves!! if they are going to be nice Butterflies I'm happy to leave them otherwise I'll do that :o)

1 Sep, 2013


Thank you Myron Are they Butterflies eventually or moths or worse!?

1 Sep, 2013


Sorry to rain on your parade, if it is a Yellow Neck then it's definitely a moth. However, the only place I've seen these before is in the USA so it might not be a Yellow Neck, but as is usually the case, they eventually find their way over here and become naturalized.

1 Sep, 2013


Looks like a cabbage white to me!

1 Sep, 2013


Then if it's a cabbage white Neelan that should please you... Cos it's a BUTTERFLY, LOL.

1 Sep, 2013


Its Large White.

1 Sep, 2013


Thank you Myron Cammomile and Steragram very much, I have enjoyed seeing so many White Butterflies in the garden this year also Peacock Butterflies once the Buddleija came into flower.... so they can munch my wild flowers no problem (I don't grow Veg) Result........Caterpillars are saved from the squish - with my gardening gloves on :o)

1 Sep, 2013


... And the birds will benefit too ;o)

1 Sep, 2013


Then all is well in my patch! thank you Myron :o)

1 Sep, 2013


I like moths too.....except clothes moths. :0(

2 Sep, 2013


The Gypsy moth is notifiable according to my book Pam that was my concern, there are pretty moths i agree -especially the burnet :o)

2 Sep, 2013


I want to change my mind - the colours are right for a large white, but I hadn't noticed the hairs. I can see why you were worried - but the gypsy moth has orange bits along the sides. I think yours is in the same family but suggest you submit the photo to Ispot for their experts to have a look at - let us know what they say!

2 Sep, 2013


Thank you Steragram I will do that and keep you informed, I went to check on them this evening - less leaves bigger Caterpillars greedy munchers!!

2 Sep, 2013


I didn't know that Neelan!

3 Sep, 2013


I don't know why they are notifiable or who you notify -the book didn't say Pam!!

3 Sep, 2013


I have checked Ispot Stera and they seem to be Scarlet Moth Caterpillars, Pam also sent me a Wildlife web site to check which had the same result. Thank you both it has been fun checking them out and there will be no squishing here moths are pretty too :o)

3 Sep, 2013


Aw, sorry to hear that it wasn't a butterfly after all. But think of it this way. I suppose the only difference between a butterfly and a moth is the same as the difference between a frog and a toad. There are some beautiful moths and some ugly butterflies and vice versa.

3 Sep, 2013


Too true Myron! thank you for your help too, they are still munching no leaves left so I expect they will start on the stalks!! :o)

3 Sep, 2013


Defra probably Neelan, although when our horse chestnut got the leaf miner thing it was the forestry commission

4 Sep, 2013


Thank you Neelan. I'd not heard of that one, but have seen other tiger moths - its amazing how many moths there are - over 120,000!

4 Sep, 2013


Thank you Pam hopefully I have no need to get in touch with Defra over these wrigglers! :o)

Thank you Steragram my picture is now on Ispot and I've signed on to their website it took a while because my computer was playing up (it was probably tired it was 1 am!) :o)

4 Sep, 2013

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