By Barb1946
United Kingdom
Red Robin was moved 2 years ago , since then the foliage is very sparce. Does it need feeding . If so what with.
13 Feb, 2010
Agree - prune it back in mid/late March if you're in the south and its not freezing, April if you're more northerly, and apply Growmore to the soil around the base of the plant, forked in lightly.
13 Feb, 2010
Previous question
That might help Barb.
Did it get moved with a nice big rootball ? If it didn't that can stunt growth whilst they catch-up.
Also, if it's in an area that gets winds it'll shed some leaves until its roots are nicely entrenched again.
And a third !!!
Pruning encourages growth so perhaps prune it back and add a feed then too.
Whereabouts are you, location-wise ?
If you're in a southern part of the country you could prune sooner than mid-north one.
13 Feb, 2010