By Juliesparrot
United Kingdom
Do rhododendron leaves curl up and go brown in the winter or has my plant died
10 Sep, 2013
Although rhododendrons are, generally, evergreen they do have to lose their older leaves. So, if these are the leaves that are dying off there isn't a problem. Um and it isn't winter Julian!
10 Sep, 2013
I think that the problem is more likely due to the hot, dry summer and the rhodo has been starved of water. If the weather has not already 'broken' for you, Julie, then give it plent of water now. Leave the plant in the ground until next summer before deciding that it is dead.
10 Sep, 2013
Moongrow, you have proved in the past that your knowledge of rhododendrons is wrong, so please dont start having a dig again, of cause its not winter, its Autumn, thats when leaves start to fall if the plant/ tree is decidouous, the poster is asking for good advice which has been given.
10 Sep, 2013
Back off, Julien, I know that Moongrower has sound knowledge of rhododendrons. Leaves of decidous rhododendrons do not fall off in early September unless there is a problem with the plant.
10 Sep, 2013
All the evergreens I know about tend to lose their old leaves in the late spring when the new ones are growing. I have never seen Rhododendrons lose leaves in the autumn.
10 Sep, 2013
Bulbaholic, she once questioned my advice on rhododendrons and she was clearly clearly wrong so dont tell me she has sound knowledge of these plants, the poster is asking for advice, so stay on task and dont spoil the forum with harsh comments, it is my belief that the plant in question has been possibly neglected of water due to the long dry spells we have had this year, however i have noted that it maybe one of the others this will hopefully help the poster.
10 Sep, 2013
Julien given that we have over 40 rhododendrons growing in our garden I do have good knowledge of the species. I was pointing out that Julie had asked if the leaves fall off in winter and that it isn't winter right now. I was not implying you had said it was winter... Sorry Julie your that your question has caused Julien's animosity to me to raise its head again.
11 Sep, 2013
Thanks very much everyone for youre replies.
I actually purchased it in a pot in full flower earlier this year.
I realise now that ive killed it and theres no hope of it coming up next year.
So just put it in the bin.
11 Sep, 2013
Oh what a shame... still you can always try again, we lost one of ours this autumn too - hadn't realised just how dry the ground had got in that corner and when we did it was too late.
11 Sep, 2013
Moongrow i hold no animosity to you, gardening is a great passion for me as it is for the regular posters on here and its a joy to pass on knowledge to people seeking help, we never stop learning in horticulture and i have a vast knowledge of how to deal with most garden plants, like i say you like to have a snipe from time to time and i will defend myself when i am right, but yes you have been roughed up on here before by others but i would not do that so please be assured, happy gardening.
11 Sep, 2013
Nuff said guys? :))
11 Sep, 2013
Just a few points, is the rhododendron an established plant or is it fairly new, is it potted up, is it evergreen or deciduous, possible causes maybe down to over watering with bad drainage on the other hand has it been under watered another possibility maybe down to over fertilizing, check for healthy wood by doing a bark scrape, check for any fungal problems.
10 Sep, 2013