By Oliveoil
United Kingdom
Calling all Rose Growers
I as is my want, bought (without looking at the size) roses for their colours, now I have a problem because they are so tall. Not helped by the trees drawing them up and making them even taller than they should be either. My question is what is the best way to support them, is it canes and ties or is there a product which will keep them upright and stop them falling all around the borders. Any advice would be gratefully received. I am planning for next year now so I think maybe I shall be spending the pension on supports rather than plants next season. lol :O)
12 Sep, 2013
that would be so good to see I need ideas, thanks Kath.
12 Sep, 2013
Any idea what you actually bought in terms of varietal names? Or at least whether they're climbers or shrubs or HTs or floribundas? Or worst of all (in my opinion), ramblers?
12 Sep, 2013
Olive, I have a rose wrapped round a 4"by4" post. The posts are quite cheap but I had to get someone in to dig the hole for it and ram stones and clay all round so it was buried about 18". I put in some eyelet screws at regular intervals on all 4 sides and threaded them with wire to make a framework that I could tie the shoots to.It stands 6' above ground and I have been wrapping a rose around it as the new shoots get long enough. It has looked really nice the last 2 years.
In the back garden I have used wooden lathes to make something that resembles a small pylon! It's a bit rough and ready but it doesn't matter as it is smothered in a rose and a clematis.
Alternatively, some of the garden centres are doing those lovely metal pagodas in their end of season sales.
12 Sep, 2013
Bamboo, yep I can name all the roses, lol which is most unusual for me as I lose labels very very easily. They are bush roses some grow as tall as 6ft. so as you will understand they get quite floppy without supports. Some of them are breaking under the weight of the branches hence why I am going to support them next year. Just wondered what was the best way to do it.
Pennyfarthing, a picture would be great if you could post one of your structures please, thanks for the input.
12 Sep, 2013
I have posted photo of structure for you Barbara.
Which roses did you get?
13 Sep, 2013
They have been in the border now for two years, but for some reason this year they have gone silly. The ones that are giving me the biggest problems are:_ Souvenir Du Dr Jamain, Sharifa Asma, Graham Thomas, Lady of Shallot and Summer Song. They have just gone potty. They were all bought for their colour and fragrance so I do not want to do away with them, they are such pretty roses, but must get control of
13 Sep, 2013
Souvenir du Dr. Jamain is a climber, Sharif Asma is described as a 'short bush rose', Graham Thomas is a vigorous, arching bush, Lady of Shallot makes 4 x 3 feet as a bush, but can be trained as a climber, when it makes 8 feet. Summer Song is a bushy, upright shrub, roughly 4 x 3, but can be kept wherever you like by pruning.
The climber should be planted against a wall or fence, with supports, and tied in regularly, which will keep that under control. If your Lady of Shallot is in the right spot, it might be easier to treat that as a climber too.
As for the modern bush roses, pruning helps enormously to prevent flopping growth, so check out Peter Beales or the RHS pruning advice for those. Bush roses should not need to be supported, but it may be that you're getting, taller, floppier growth because they're not in full sun.
The biggest problem is the Graham Thomas, for its growth form is not only vigorous, but arching, so trying to contain the arching will destroy the form of the plant somewhat.
13 Sep, 2013
Thanks for your help Bamboo, but the good old Dr. is listed as a bush on David Austin Roses, 6ft x 3ft They are in full sun too so that isn't the problem. Graham Thomas is not as bad as the others, Summer Song is going crazy and branches have snapped maybe it is the lack of rain that has not helped them. Scotkat has posted a picture of a good support so am thinking of designing something along those lines this winter. Thanks for your advice.
13 Sep, 2013
Might well be listed as that (Souvenir...) by David Austin (they seem to make it up as they go along) but its listed as a climber by the RHS, by D. G. Hessayon, my Rose Bible and the Readers Digest Encyclopaedia.
13 Sep, 2013
Have found some on line, seeing lots of ideas now I have started to research. Wooden ones would be best if anyone has any links to sites which make them please.
13 Sep, 2013
Maybe christmas gift from the family Barbara:).
When I was in Drum Castle Walled Garden they l whad wood supports for there tall roses think they may have been hand made though.
I will look back my photos to and post a photo of them for you.
12 Sep, 2013