By Margaret_ann
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I was tidying up today and a corner of the border stunk to high heaven, like an animal had used it for a toilet. I have plants and bulbs planted there. Can anyone suggest how to freshen the soil without having to dig it all up. Thanks Margaret.
14 Feb, 2010
Male cats and foxes leave a hideous smell.
Both creatures do 'it' in my front garden and it's awful.
I think probably the worst part though is that they trample the b**** plants in the process .... THAT'S what really annoys. Grrr.
What i have tried is those strong essential oils, on a piece of something absorbant and placed strategically .... i think it worked - for as long as i remembered to do it !!!
14 Feb, 2010
Sometimes if there's a drainage problem then the soil can take on a stinky pond-sludge like smell....only solution is to improve the drainage and that depends on what's causing the wet's not near a septic tank is it....ugh!
14 Feb, 2010
If it is cats, a few branches of holly or berberis laid over the area will dicourage.
14 Feb, 2010
Thank you all so much. I will try the mulch and the holly. It is not near a
septic tank, thank heavens. I will also try and drain it.
We do have cats about, and maybe a fox in the night! The essential oils
sound good, I have some of them in the house.
Thank you all again, Margaret.
14 Feb, 2010
All good advice....welcome Margaret Ann...:>)
14 Feb, 2010
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I think I'd put a mulch down over it to discourage the smell and hide the area from other animals. Perhaps there was a dead animal there.
welcome to GoY Margaret.
14 Feb, 2010