United Kingdom
where does ladys mantle grow
growing areas which countries
- 14 Feb, 2010
It is an upland plant of the northern temperate zone and can be found in moistish meadows etc from Greenland, across Europe (including Britain) and into western Asia.
14 Feb, 2010
The botanical name is Alchemilla mollis, just in case you want to look it up.
14 Feb, 2010
ALL of them are growing in my garden in Southern England!
14 Feb, 2010
Nah, I've got several hundred LOL
14 Feb, 2010
They are a complicated group, a bit like Dandelions as they are apomictic (apoximis) whereby the flowers don't need to be fertilised to produce fertile seed. However, when this happens, all the seed are genetic copies of the parent so they can (like Dandelions) clone themselves!
14 Feb, 2010
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they grow any where in this country and some would say it is a bit of a weed. I
14 Feb, 2010