By Roythefoot
United Kingdom
Not really a gardening question, but I do this on my I-pad and I was wondering is there an app for GoY which would speed it up, Thank-you Roy.
22 Sep, 2013
I use iPad, MacBook Pro and a few times when things have been really quiet at lunchtime at work I've even log on via a PC - I can't say that any is noticeably slower than any other.
The rotation of photos is still something of a lottery when an ipad is involved and the only 'problem' that i have is with the advert slot being in the top right corner - it's just where you hit the ipad screen to start scrolling down. But I won't complain too much as I guess the adverts mean that the site is free - other sites charge a membership and still have adverts.
22 Sep, 2013
Hi Roy,
I use an ipad all the time ( have thrown away the computer). 3 clicks and I'm into the questions. I just tried to time the process - certainly well under a minute. Suits me fine as I've little patience.
Not sure what you're doing that takes the time ?
23 Sep, 2013
How would it speed it up please? I cope ok on my android tablet
22 Sep, 2013