By Iwaterhouse
Isle of Man
How do I get rid of toadstools and fungi from my lawn?
25 Sep, 2013
I get them every autumn. It is perhaps dead roots from trees under your grass. I just ignore them.....I get quite a variety, but as Bulbaholic says .....they don't last long.
25 Sep, 2013
Hi, I find a besom is the best tool for this job, get hold of some beech prunings about 2 1/2 to 3ft long, and wrap them around a stout stick, held tight with wire, then just walk across the lawn, swishing as you go, that is unless you have to cut the lawn anyway, saves getting the mower out, Derek.
25 Sep, 2013
Thanks for your answers to my problem of toadstools and fungi on the lawn.
30 Sep, 2013
Put the mower across them. They only last for a very short time each year and you cannot get rid of them permanently.
25 Sep, 2013