By Rogi
Hallo all. This is a question about leaf compost. Every autumn I get a fair ammount of leaves from the garden....shall I say about 2 big rubbish bags full. I did as I read somewhere put them in the sack, made loads of holes in the sacks, kept them moist, then I put them under one of the hedges....turning them when I thought about it....leaving them for about a year. Today I opened one of the sacks and found a nice dark mixture that smelt nice as well....but it was very wet and soggy. My question this how it is meant to be after a year?...and how do other people make leaf compost. Thanks for any answers.
25 Sep, 2013
Yes I find it best if the top is uncovered......I also find it breaks down better over a couple of years. Worth the wait. you can add this years and have a steady flow Rogi.
25 Sep, 2013
You can speed it up a bit by chopping the leaves before putting in the bags - put them on the lawn and mow over them.
25 Sep, 2013
Thanks for the answers...very helpful.
26 Sep, 2013
Previous question
It was probably kept too wet and there was not enough ventilation, Rogi. I like to try and keep the leaves for two years rather than one - five is even better.I use a 'builders bag' for leaves with the top left uncovered.
25 Sep, 2013