By Heatherjoy
I have just moved a hydrangea plant and it doesn't look very happy! Should I cut it back and if so by how much?
- 30 Sep, 2013
Water, water, water. When you moved it, you will have destroyed some of the roots which take up water, so now the plant needs you to keep it well supplied. Leave the hose trickling at the base for an hour, then water daily, either in the same way or with a can full, applied without the rose, to the soil immediately beneath the plant, till the autumn rains start. Unless its H. paniculata, cutting it now will mean no flowers next year...
30 Sep, 2013
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Not a really good time to do it, so expect it to struggle a bit for a year, but with plenty of water, especially in dry spells next spring, it should recover. Do give it a good drink now, though, and perhaps lighten the load on the roots by removing about a third of the top growth, and any flower that remains.
30 Sep, 2013