By Roythefoot
United Kingdom
I would like some ideas if anyone can help, I want to replace my cornus alba with something a bit more colourful. Preferably evergreen and something that flowers all summer ( I'm talking shrub here ) the site is a sunny spot slightly exposed the soil is neutral and well draining, I'd appreciate any ideas thank-you Roy.
1 Oct, 2013
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all year garden interest
Hi Roy ..
not sure how large a shrub you want .. but Coronilla valentina has pretty yellow flowers in May onwards for some weeks ...
on the left in this pic ..
I hope this helps ..
1 Oct, 2013
Indigofera heterantha.
1 Oct, 2013
Thank-you Hortum cret I don't know it , I'll check it out Roy.
1 Oct, 2013
Hi again Roy ...
try this RHS link for more info.
My valentina survived last winter very well...
I planted it in 2012.
1 Oct, 2013
Hi terratoonie I haven't been putting it in the comments as I get this thing come up with it saying edit comment ( edit comment what is this ) Roy.
1 Oct, 2013
Hi Roy..
'edit comment' just stays there for a few minutes so that if, for instance, you realise you made a spelling mistake, you can click on edit comment and alter your lettering.
Does that explain well enough ?
If not ... ask again ! :o)))
1 Oct, 2013
Terratoonie does it actually show up on my comment your end ? Roy.
1 Oct, 2013
No ... you only see these words ..
'edit comment' (what is this?)
by your own comments ...
Practise by clicking on your comment ..
click on the words Edit Comment, and try to alter it to Roy the foot ... :o)
Don't forget to then click on Add comment (lower right)
to submit the altered comment...
1 Oct, 2013
Hi Hortum cret I've checked out that Indigofera does it belong to the pea family ? Roythefoot .
1 Oct, 2013
Azalea or a Rhoddie?
1 Oct, 2013
Hi kildermorie yes I would love them but with our soil being neutral I would have to treat them , and would they do as well ? Roy.
1 Oct, 2013
A trouble free shrub that flowers for ages in summer and has a second flush later is hypericum Hidcote. You can trim it to size in the Spring when it reaches the size you want without inhibiting flowering. For extra pizzazz grow a blue clematis through it.
1 Oct, 2013
I have neutral soil and have Azalea growing well. I applied some acidic feed pellets around the roots when I bought them and around the base of the plant if the leaves look pale and that is it! Biggest problem was keeping them watered in summer as it was so dry.
1 Oct, 2013
Thank-you kildermorie that's interesting I'll certainly consider that now , brilliant Roy
1 Oct, 2013
Hi steragram that sounds good as well, with the yellow and blue that would certainly be colourful, another to consider , Roy.
1 Oct, 2013
Indigofera is indeed a pea, and I. heterantha is upright and shrubby. Long-flowering, tough, and loves the sun
2 Oct, 2013
Afterthought -The hypericum is only just evergreen, depending on the latitude and the severity of the winter - it does look a bit miserable just before the new leaves start to grow but the flowers are so bright and cheerful you can forgive it..
2 Oct, 2013
Hi Hortum cret that sounds good especially if its upright as I can't stand things drooping, and if its hardy and likes the sun, should be good.
2 Oct, 2013
Hi steragram sounds like with these ideas coming in I will probably be replacing other things, that's what I like bright and cheerful things.
2 Oct, 2013
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Hi, Abutilon will probably flower from early spring until autumn, unfortunatelythey're either frost tender,{+5c} or frost hardy, {-5c} so will have to be brought into a greenhouse for the winter, can't think of anything else off hand, that will flower all summer, Derek.
1 Oct, 2013