By Lynda123
United Kingdom
Hi Can Anyone Tell me.Can You Get Seeds From Dahlias. Thanks Lynda.
2 Oct, 2013
Seeds of the larger types may take more than one year to flower, also.
3 Oct, 2013
Stera, Tug - is this why they are normally sold as tubers rather than seed?
3 Oct, 2013
yes if you have the tuner you know what it was like last year.
you can by seed from gc of named series dahlia's. I often grow them as beeding plants and then store the young tubers over winter and buils up stock that way.
3 Oct, 2013
Hi Seaburn, that's a good idea, thanks.
4 Oct, 2013
So easy from seed though aren't they SBG with practically every aeed germinating,I grow them most years mainly as I loose more storing the tubers so don't bother now I bought mixed seed this year and have some really lovely ones in lots of different forms, a riot of colour :-)
5 Oct, 2013
Hi Kathy, so you grow each year and dont bother lifting the tubers? I never seem to be able to store over winter tubers, geraniums or begonia corms.
5 Oct, 2013
I've given up on dahlias though - going to all that trouble just to feed slugs, when there's plenty of other stuff they could have. Dandelions and willowherb for starters.
5 Oct, 2013
Oh no Stera, didnt realise they were slug magnets. Snails are the bane of my life, I planted a Laburnum tree this spring and you know what they'e annihilated it, ate all the leaves.
5 Oct, 2013
Yes Dawn I grow some from seed every year last year 'Bishops Children' they were lovely all with dark foliage and bright flowers, this year Showpiece Mixed that are mainly doubles with a few singles. only sowed half the packet as I didn't want 40!!! so have some left for next year, start them in the Super7 propagator ;-) February time then into the sunroom where there's a bit of heat then the greenhouse with a bit of fleece on hand so by May they're into really large pots and ready for planting out.
Know what you mean about the snails Stera mine can fly very long distances lol, I know they come back but just hate that crunching sound when you squish them ewwww.
6 Oct, 2013
Sometimes snails seem even worse than slugs. They completely killed a young broom bush a few years ago and they climb to amazing heights too. Give them a try though Dawn, as not everyone has problems and you might be lucky - or put them in pots with copper tape round.
6 Oct, 2013
Hi Stera. Snails do reach great heights as you say. Shame about your broom. I'll give them a try. I have a hosta in a pot on the patio, not one bite.
6 Oct, 2013
Ah well, pots may well be the answer then.
7 Oct, 2013
yes they are a good germinator. also the seed is large and easy to handle. I tend to sow individually in small pots or individual cells for trays. big seed leaves too. my girls always sowed these for me when they were little.
8 Oct, 2013
Hi Seaburn, do you sow on the Spring or maybe Autumn?
8 Oct, 2013
spring as they are frost tender and I no longer heat the greenhouse in the winter. I bring dahlia tubers into the 'warmer' coalhouse too. reminds me must bring the cannas in soon.
8 Oct, 2013
Thanks Seaburn. No, I dont heat the greenhouse over winter now, too expensive. OK, I'll dow some in spring.
9 Oct, 2013
They get seed pods if the flowers are left on the plants but the seeds may well not come true to the parent.
3 Oct, 2013